How To Get A Job Offer From A Canadian Employer

When you wish to migrate to canada on the basis of work, then you will need work permit. You can only get work permit if an employee over there in Canada applies for it on your behalf. That is the only way. And what this means is that, you need a job offer from a Canadian employer while you are still in your own country. How is this possible?

Since you are not physically present in Canada, it will be hard to apply for jobs that would earn you employment right? That is what we intend to solve for you in this article.

We will be suggesting a number of ways in which you can get a job offer from an employer in Canada. This stage of finding a job offer is a very big requirement and also one that poses a huge problem to many adults.

How To Get A Job Offer From A Canadian Employer

There are a number of immigration programs to Canada that do not require a job offer or work permit. Some of them are; the Entrepreneur, the farmer, the business investor, sponsorship for permanent residence by a spouse or immediate family member, some particular “skilled” occupations and so on.

If you don’t belong to any of these groups, then you probably need a job offer from a Canadian employer and you should assume so.

Below, we gave a number of ways by which you could grab a job offer from a Canadian employer while still living in your own country.

1. Tell a Canadian family member or friend to tell their family/friends in Canada

Networking is one of the easiest ways to get a job offer. Network with family and friends that are in Canada. Tell them you are looking for a job offer in Canada and that if they know anybody who wants to hire, you are a great fit. You never can tell. You are very likely to get a job offer this way. The employer has to get a positive Labour Market impact assessment (LMIA) from Canada’s Ministry of Employment.

2. Cold pitching Canadian employers

Cold pitching means you can either cold call or cold email your potential employers. They might be interested in hiring you based on your skill sets and will not mind that you are overseas.

You can also go to your potential employers’ websites to see if they have any new job postings. And then take the initiative to contact them and market yourself excellently well if they do. If you are able to sell your skills well, the Canadian employers you pitched might offer you a job. Try it.

3. Look at employment agencies in Canada

Another reasonable and and likely way to get a job offer from Canada is to find and contact a number of recruitment agencies and focus more on those related to your profession. Many employers pay hiring agencies to help them find talents nowadays. You should avoid agencies that ask you to pay them. Canada has a number of hiring agencies and some of these agencies pay attention to foreign workers too. You could get a job through this way.

4. Look at online Canadian job websites

There are many job sites that you can consult for vacancies in Canada related to your field. Many Canadians who are also searching for jobs go online to find jobs.

Canada has a Job Bank at and lots of Canadians use the online resource to get job offers. You can try this too from wherever you are in the world. Many employers in Canada list their jobs on Job Bank and it is entirely free to use for both job seekers and employers. Also, is famous in Canada as well for new job postings.

5. Apply for Canadian jobs on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has always been a fantastic social and job networking place. Harness the powers of LinkedIn and apply for those jobs that you are skilled at. Update your LinkedIn profile to show your skills and educational qualifications.

Search related job boards that are in line with your specialty and apply aggressively. Make sure the jobs you’re applying for are canada-based, since that’s what you’re looking for.

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