Lakehead University Canada Scholarship For International Students

Lakehead University is a higher learning establishment that’s situated in Thunder Bay City, Northwestern Ontario, Canada. It’s the 32nd most ranked university in Canada and 1254th best college worldwide. This prestigious university was founded in 1965 and offers lots of academic degree programs to students.

Moreover, It houses a good amount of international students who are either pursuing their undergraduates or postgraduates studies.  At the undergraduate level of study, international students are charged around $20,500.

Meanwhile, the charges reduce to about $15,000 for all three terms of graduate study. Nevertheless, this university offers international students with financial aids such as scholarship initiatives to help reduce their financial burden.

Lakehead University Canada Scholarship

The non-profit educational establishment budgets over $11 million per year on financial aid services to students. The monetary support is awarded based on the scholar’s academic performance. Let’s take a look at the scholarship programmes offered by Lakehead University for international students;

1. Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships

Undergraduate Entrance Scholarships are financial aid packages for Non-Canadian students by Lakehead University. It’s available for all international scholars including those who got admitted via university transfer.

However, this financial aid program is (very) competitive and top (best performing) students are mostly considered for the offer. It exists in different categories depending on the student’s academic average score. The following are the breakdowns of the scholarship;

Variant 1

The first variant of undergraduate entrance scholarships can also be referred to as the “premium offer”. It’s a renewable form of scholarship that’s offered to students who have an academic average score of not less than 90% for each session. The total worth of this financial aid initiative is $40,000. So, since the university’s undergraduate studies last for four (4) years, deserving scholars are paid $10,000 annually for these periods of time.

Moreover, this Scholarship is unlimited and available as long as its academic requirement is satisfied.

Variant 2

As opposed to the first variant, this scholarship is a limited financial offer. It’s available for international students that we’re unable to score an academic average of  >90%. This scholarship requires an average of 80.0% – 89.9% academic score and meriting scholars are paid the sum of $7500 for four years totalling $30,000. About 30 to 34 slots of this (particular) scholarship are available each year.

Variant 3

The third variant is a one-time or renewable scholarship offer. It’s paid to first-year students only and limited openings (between 28 to 29) are available per year. This financial aid package is awarded to scholars who obtain an average academic score of between 75.0% – 79.9%. Qualified students are paid a one-time sum of $6,000.

Requirements for this Scholarship:

  • Note that the Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship is awarded based on the student’s academic average calculated using the Canadian equivalent rate.
  • This financial aid initiative is available in two rounds. The first one is mostly available in February while the second takes place around April.
  • FurthermoreFurthermore, the scholarship requirements change most times and interested scholars are always advised to check the reviewed criteria.

2. Graduate Assistantships

Graduate assistantships are forms of financial assistance offered to postgraduate students of Lakehead University.

The appointment allows students to work for a maximum of 270 hours during the Fall and Winter period. This is equivalent to a weekly work average of 10 hours.

Requirements for this scholarship:

  • Graduate Assistantship is a work program that’s mostly awarded to full-time graduate scholars. 
  • It’s also applicable to Visa students and remunerations of $10,197.68 and CAD 11,120.82 are paid to Masters and Doctoral students respectively.

3. Faculty Research Awards For Graduate students

Faculty Research Awards are financial aid initiatives offered to graduate students by Lakehead University. Some of them are;

Canada Graduate Scholarships

Canada Graduate Scholarships are financial packages for Doctoral (CGS-D) students. Eligible scholars should be undertaking their SSHRC, CIHR, and NSERC. It’s a national scholarship scheme that’s awarded to graduate students via academic competitions. The financial aid program is conducted by three (3) granting agencies which are;

  • The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
  • The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

These scholarship programs are research-based initiatives that are available for all graduate international students who submitted their applications on any of the days in a year.

Ontario Graduate Scholarship

Ontario Graduate scholarship is also known as OGS is a graduate financial aid initiative that’s available for both masters and doctoral scholars.

Requirements for this scholarship:

  • This scholarship is only available for full time-time graduate students and as such part-time scholars are not considered for this offer. 
  • Applying scholars must have at least an average academic score of 80% during their first and second years. Meanwhile, third-year graduate scholars are required to maintain the same (80%) average academic score in all courses.

Graduate Student Professional Development Bursary

Graduate Student Professional Development Bursary is a financial aid program offered to international students by Lakehead University. This bursary award is provided to eligible graduate students to assist them in their professional career growth. Meriting Scholars are required to attend conferences and other academic events and applications are to make before these occasions.

Requirements for this scholarship:

  • It’s available for only full-time graduate scholars. Canadian and Non-Canadian students are eligible for the bursary but the latter should have resided in Ontario for 12 months else becomes unqualified for the offer. 
  • Visa students are not eligible for the graduate student professional development bursary and application deadlines are on every first day of February, May, and November.


Lakehead University is a prestigious learning institution that offers a good number of degree-awarding undergraduate and postgraduate programs. It ranks high on Alumni employment and research performance and is the second-best university in Ontario.

Also, this learning establishment awards lots of scholarships to aid lower the burden of finances on international students. The worth of the above listed financial aid programs covers a significant part of the university’s tuition thus making the educational institution attractive for international students (especially those from developing and underdeveloped countries) who may want to study in Canada on a budget.

To stay updated on the latest scholarships in this college, regularly visit the University’s scholarship page for international students.

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  1. I’m Isaac Saah Kollie Age 25 and a Liberian
    studying mining engineering at China university of mining and technology xuzhou city.And hopefully next year July I will be graduating with a bachelor degree, so I’m applying for a master degree program in mining engineering cause I’m fully informed that Canada is a place for international students to get a better education and make a big difference when they return to their country.

  2. I am so grateful for your concern in supporting students and making them see there dreams comes true
    Thank you so much
    May God bless you abandantly

  3. pls am graduate from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike.
    Am in need of a support financially to further my education up to Doctorate thanks.

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