Financial Intelligence: Tips To Save Money When You Move To Canada

Moving to Canada is one thing and surviving in Canada is another. However, while moving to Canada may be the difficult part, surviving in the country could be the easy part. Or maybe not too easy.

To be able to survive in Canada, especially if on a limited budget, you’d need a Job. Thankfully, over the course of time, we’ve shared a few tips to aid you with getting a Job in Canada even as a foreigner.

Now, let’s assume you’ve moved to Canada or on the verge of doing so. Let’s also assume you’ve gotten a Job. It doesn’t just end there. Living in Canada can be pricey. So except you’ve got a really high paying job, you may want to consider spending lesser than you earn.

How to save money in Canada

In this post, we will be sharing a few tips to aid you with saving money when you move to Canada. This will make surviving in Canada, a lot easier.

Financial Intelligence To Save Money When You Move To Canada

Let’s begin.

1. Sell Your Stuff and Start All Over

I understand some people get attached to things they own. While that’s okay, it’s also okay to accept reality and move on.

As such, it’s sometimes important to sell your stuffs and start all over. Especially in the case of moving to Canada. Sell your stuff, move to Canada and start all over. This will even aid you with more money.

2. Do More Of DIYs

Sure, you can decide to hire movers and the services of other persons to help you pack wnD transport your belongings from your current location to Canada. Why that’s okay, it will certainly cost you quite a lot.

Rather that doing that, have you considered possibly moving your belongings yourself? You can also reach out to family and friends to help you with this. Again, you can save some more time by simply selling them off and starting all over in Canada.

3. Make A Budget

Budgets are sometimes hard to stick with. Yes, I know that. However, it’s always better to have a budget than to have none. Budgets helps set a path. Make having a budget a habit.

4. Cancel Subscriptions

Netflix is great. That gym membership is equally a nice addition. Oh, what about Spotify for your music and even YouTube Music?

We understand these things make living worthwhile. Yes, but as you know, they require monthly or yearly subscriptions which cost you money. Pending the time you can fully afford these things, have you considered seeking other potions? Like screaming your movies directly from other sites, working put in the house or going out for a run to keep fit? Downloading songs from other sites online and the likes?

I know its not as easy as paying for these subscriptions but it will cost you less.

5. Leave Your Car Behind

Yes, you read that right. Importing a car into car comes at a number of fees and expenses and no, they ain’t cheap. There’s even a goods and services tax of 5% which will be the charge based on the car’s value.

Why put yourself through all that stress when you can just leave it behind? Better still, sell it off. You can always get another in Canada when you have the finances for it.


While going to Canada is great, you should try to put expenses at the barest minimum. Work out a plan before you engage on that journey. May the odds be in your favor.

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