How To Get a Job in Toronto In 5 Simple Steps

Toronto is a city located in Canada that is the capital of the Ontario province. Toronto is famous for its skyscrapers and the infamous CN Tower is located in Toronto, Canada. The CN Tower for instance, is the tallest free-standing building in the entire Western hemisphere.

Toronto is actually a popular city to settle in amongst many immigrants and the city is also the most populous in the whole of Canada. It is considered the fourth most populous city in the whole of North America. The Province has a lot of finance companies, as well as brokerage and publishing, telecommunication, ICT, and film production companies.

This means that as an immigrant, there are tons of industries you can work in regardless of your field of expertise. Hence, if you are looking for a guide on how to get a Job in Toronto, Canada, we’ve got some tips that could come in handy.

5 Steps To Get A Job In Toronto

Below, we will list five methods through which you can land good jobs in Toronto, even as an immigrant.

1. Be Eligible To Work In Canada

The first step to getting a Job in Toronto, Canada, is to be eligible to work in Canada. Although Canada is a country filled with opportunities, not everyone can work there. To be eligible to work in Toronto, there are requirements and procedures.

Although getting Canada VISA can be relatively easy if you follow due processes, that’s not all that’s required to get a Job in Toronto. You need to be skilled, follow the right migration program like express entry and in most cases, you’d also need work permit.

You can also check your eligibility on the Canada immigration website. However, do know that being eligible to work in Canada is only one part of the puzzle. However, it’s probably the first one as an immigrant.

2. Search Canadian Job boards Online

There are free Canadian resources and websites to use while job hunting. Usually, new Canadian job openings that are open to immigrants are posted on these websites.

For example, the Government of Canada Job Bank at offers new Canadian job listings on the regular. Asides the Government of Canada Job Bank, Other job websites where new Canadian jobs are posted are:

All these websites are very legit and will be very useful in your job search process. You can also use Job Bank at which is one of the oldest Canadian job postings available. Although, not all Canadian employers post on Job Bank.

3. Network while visiting Toronto

Remember that, if you intend to immigrate into Canada through the Work Visa, then you absolutely need a job offer from a Canadian employer. If you are visiting Canada on a visitor visa soon or you are currently there visiting, make sure that you go back to your home country with a couple of connections in your portfolio.

You can also meet up with Canadian employees you find on job sites through Zoom or Google Meet. Networking means that you keep professional connections with employers in your preferred field.

There are also Google Search virtual events that you can join if you know when they will be held. You don’t have to meet your prospective employers physically in Canada. For example, if you can gain access to the phone number of a Canadian employer, then by all means use the cold calling method.

When trying to network, you need to always take the initiative. Remember that while you are in Canada on a Visitor Visa, you are not legally authorised to work. So, the most you can do is build connections while you’re there. You can also ask for referrals and recommendations from the Canadian employers you speak with.

4. Make Sure Your CV Is Up To Date

I’m sure you know how important CVs are, especially as a Job Hunter. As you probably know, your CV is usually the first thing companies request and go through. They probably look through your CV before choosing to meet you in person, especially if you applied online.

As such, it is important that you make conscious effort to making sure your CV is up to date. You can research on how to make your CV better and act accordingly.

5. You can Work While Studying

If you have been admitted to a Canadian university in Toronto or Ontario and you have successfully obtained your study visa, you can apply for jobs in Canada on a part-time basis. The plus side of coming to Canada to study while working is that you don’t need a job offer before you enter Canada.

Also, with your obtained Work Permit you are allowed to work off-campus automatically. Another advantage to working while studying is that Canada offers its graduates post-graduation work permits. There are amazing benefits to choosing the work-while-studying route.

Further Reading:

Documents Required To Prove Funding for student VISA

Documents Required To Prove Funding For Student VISA

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